Since my last post I have been on the road alot. Bethany, Jackie, and I went to Atlanta on a quickie weekend roadtrip, IMPACT went to Texas and I've been to the beach a couple of times. So it has been pretty crazy over the past month.
Alot has gone on with me emotionally and spiritually as well. God has really been moving in my life and I am very thankful for it. I have been going through some weird relational things and it has put a BIG strain on me at times. But God has moved in these situations and begun to fix/heal things.
I compare things to TV shows alot. We experienced a very intense episode recently. Now we are in that slow and weird stage after the BIG event. There is some "drama" going on right now that it getting worse but is happening internally amongst my friends and I. I am not really apart of it, but it is kinda strange because it isn't discussed when we are together but you can feel the tension and it is talked about in smaller one on one situations. But it is soon going to be out in the open. I am praying that God will move and do what He sees fit to settle the entire thing and bring a good "Season Finale" We also have some fairly new cast members as well which has been really cool but has also caused some of the new drama. But the new members are here to stay, now we must see if some of the old will remain or will be written out...
Since I last posted I have become addicted to the show Heroes. Clay, John Michael, Miles, Katie, and I have watched the entire first season and I am hooked. Can't wait til Season 2 comes out.
I also have gotten back into reading whenever I have time. I have taken to reading entire books on free weekends. During the week I really don't have much free time so it has been nice since IMPACT has had a couple of weekends off to have some time to myself on the weekends. I have read Three by Ted Dekker which was AMAZING and then I read Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom which was very inspirational and just a feel good book all together.
I mentioned earlier how God has really been moving and working on me spiritually. I have been really frustrated recently with where I am going currently and what I am supposed to be doing in prep for the summer. This morning in my study time I ready about when Moses was leading the people of Israel through the Red Sea. Moses reminded the people that God would work in our lives if we would just be silent and trust Him. That was soo amazing to be reminded of. I am never very silent about anything so I forget easily that when we wait on God and are quiet He will speak then. Until we are just silent and listen for His voice it is harder to hear what He wants us to know.
I pray blessing on all who are reading this and I hope that you are well.
God Bless!!!!
Caleb :):)
Below are some pics from the past month.
Bethany, Jackie, and Me at World of Coke
My album cover shot in Downtown Atlanta
IMPACT at Green Acres BC in Tyler, TX
Bethany, Jackie, Danielle, Clay, and I at Mardi Gras 2008
Katie, Sarah K, Jackie, Clay and I at Mardi Gras 2008
Bethany being crazy in TX
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