Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I hope that everyone is finding this post after having an awesome Christmas.  
I must say that mine has been pretty different this year.  Not really in a good way.  
I spent half of my break in the bed because of my tonsil surgery.  My little cousin Macey Belle helped out with my recovery a lot by keeping me company when she came over.  She is absolutely amazing!!  I have a BIG attachment to her because she was born just a couple of months before I left home for college.  So we kinda both began a new life.  It is also been a growing time.  She is growing physically into a beautiful girl and I have been growing spiritually in the Lord.  So I am very thankful for that today.
Back to Christmas...
It has been different this year because my brother and his fiancee went to New York this year to visit her dad so they were not here which was weird.  Then my Dad's sisters have been in a feud of sorts and are not speaking so it has kinda split the family down the middle.  So that was obviously different this year.  Going to my mom's family for Christmas Eve was the same as always though so I guess that is good.  But anyways.  It has just been me and Mama and Daddy today and they have been asleep almost all day.  So I've pretty much been alone for Christmas this year.
However in the midst of it all I am still very thankful that I am able to celebrate Christmas and that Christ came into this world so that not only I may have, but that you may have life as well.
I hope and pray that the rest of you have had an amazing Christmas and that the Lord will bless your New Year beyond what you could ever imagine!!
Merry Christmas!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007


So it has been almost a month since I posted a blog. It doesn't matter because no one has left comments at all so... But that's not why I have it. Anyways. Since my last post, IMPACT has been all over the place. We had Christmas Spectacular and Finals at school. Then today I had my tonsils taken out. I am in my dorm room with my mom. We had the surgery done here and then we are going home tomorrow. So far I am thankful that the pain has been very light. I still think that the medicine may not have worn off all the way though. God really worked over the last month. I was sooo stressed and He brought me through it. Last night I went to my church's Christmas concert that I wasn't able to sing in because I was having surgery today and it was amazing!! It was such an awesome display of God's love for us throught the Christmas story. There was a song in it that we also did at out Christmas Spectacular at school called, "Imagine A World Without Christmas" It asks us to think about what it may be like if Jesus had never come, then it says, "but Jesus is real" AMEN!! Then this morning on the way to surgery I was a little nervous and scared. But God reassured me that my time is not done here and He still has a lot more to do on this earth before I leave.

The scripture Jer. 29:11 came to mind that says...
"I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."

Think about that verse and what it means. Then think about how much God gave up for us by sending His Son Jesus to this earth to live among us and to save us all. It is truly amazing to think about it huh?
Imagine a world without a Christmas
A place without holiday cheer
Where we'd never find the most wonderful time of the year
Imagine a world without Jesus
Just tell me where would we all be
No Son of God born and
Believers no more who believe
But Jesus is real
For we can feel
The peace in our souls
This blessing we know
Tell everyone
Messiah has come
We believe still
We always will
Jesus is real
Jesus is real
O praise Him
Messiah has come
Jesus is real

Jaime's Senior Recital
Me and My Sis
Me and Beth
Beth Tearin' It Up At COVERS
Mer Tearin' It Up At COVERS
Beth's Piano
Stage for Christmas Spectacular

Before They Came Out
Sarah Feeding Me a Popsicle After Surgery

IMPACT singing Revelation Song at Christmas Spectacular