Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

I can't believe it, but I actually went Christmas shopping today after I said yesterday that I wouldn't!! I ended up remembering some last minute things that I needed to get. I had to get Lindsey a trashcan and Mama a gift card to the mall.

The mall was worse today than it was yesterday so luckily I didn't need to get a lot.

I was gonna print Maw-Maw a picture for Christmas and I went to 4 Wal-Marts and all of their photo machines were tore up!! So I didn't get it but I told her I would get it after Christmas when I could find a machine that worked. haha

But it all ended up great b/c we had a great rest of the day with family. We had Christmas with Mama's family for lunch and it was sooo much fun!! I got a GAP gift card! Some musical decorations for my room in my apartment and a Target gift card. And me and Macey and Hannah played a lot. I love my girls. It was so great to be with family. I love them so much!!

Then we went up to Gail's and had Chili with them and some of their friends. It was nice cuz the twins came too and I got to play with them. They are so cute and smart!!

Then it was home to wrap more presents and get ready for Christmas Day!!

So even though shopping was crazy the past two days and it's hot and raining, and I wanted to eat ice cream instead of drinking Hot Chocolate, it is so great to be home with family cuz so many don't have that at Christmas.

I praise the Lord that He has allowed me to be with my family at Christmas for 20 years and counting!!

I also thank God for the reason we celebrate Christmas. For sending Jesus into this world for us!! Thank You Lord!!

Here's a special gift from me to whoever may read this tonight. Here are a couple of songs from TRUTH's Final Christmas Concert. It features Melissa Greene, Anthony Evans, and Deidra Hughes who you may recognize if you're familiar with Christian music.


Merry Christmas!!

Caleb :):)

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